Fasttag wire markers

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Tech Products, Inc. has provided identification products to the REA, Investor-owned and government utility market since 1948 including, Pole markers, Transmission tower (aerial) markers and Substation signs. We were the first to manufacturer many of the products in use today and are very proud of our product, Fasttags, miniature markers®. This is a unique system to mark your underground distribution system. The markers has been tested by an independent laboratory and also been field tested since the 1980’s. In fact our first customer, Snohomish County PUD is still one of our best customers.
The Fasttags are great for any indoor wire marking application where there will be chemical reactions, water invasion, and Silt and dirt build-up. These tags are made to be readable in any environment. Offshore oil rigs have used them in underwater applications for divers to differentiate between cables. The U.S. Coast guard has used them to mark their lines on ships and the list can go on and on.

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