Lean–burn gas generator sets are designed to provide reliable performance, high fuel efficiency and very low emissions for applications such as high–hour peaking, prime power and combined heat and power (CHP).
Running on a lean mixture of fuel and air, this design significantly reduces the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and increases fuel efficiency. The result is a generator set with a high power output, maximum thermal efficiency and NOx emissions as low as 0.7 grams per brake horsepower–hour.
Features and Benefits:
Optional factory–integrated Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) aftertreatment reduces NOx emissions to levels that meet the most stringent air quality standards. Ranging in output from 315 kW to 2 MW, Cummins lean–burn engines are capable of running on a variable quality gas–from pipeline natural gas to field gas or even biogas with a methane number more than 40. Cummins Power Generation's unique lean–burn design combines high power densities and extended maintenance intervals for an economical solution to prime power or cogeneration needs.
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