Battery testing has never been this easy. Simply insert the nozzle into the battery, depress the finder pump, and extract a few drops of sulfuric acid (H2S04) electrolyte. Touch one button and the processor does the rest. Within three seconds you have a temperature compensated accurate reading of specific gravity and temperature.
Field studies show time savings of at least 5 times (500%) using the SBS-2002 Digital Hydrometer over a standard glass hydrometer and thermometer.
Example of Cost Savings:
If you spend 15 minutes testing specific gravities every month in 20 sites, this total, 15 minutes x 20 sites x 12 months per year = 3,600 minutes divided by 60 = 60 hours. Since we can reduce this time 500%, 60 divided by 5 = 12 hours total time with the SBS-2002. That’s a 48-hour savings per year per employee. 48 hours x $39.00 labor cost with benefits =$1,872.00 of savings per year, per employee.
Each SBS-2002 Digital Hydrometer Includes:
Sampling Tubes (3)
9V Alkaline Batteries
Case for Storage and Carrying
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