EZ Barrier Inc.

20777 Kensington Blvd
Lakeville, MN 55044

About EZ Barrier Inc.

EZ Barrier has 60-plus years of field experience protecting commercial buildings when it comes to fire-rated ceiling, roof and walls in the construction industry. We understand the challenges that architects and contractors face in meeting National Fire Codes. To address a range of needs, we’ve developed solutions that help contractors save time and money on the job site, while providing the safest solution on the market.

Since local fire codes can differ, we pride ourselves in being readily available to provide our customers the help needed in solving most questions that arise from architects, contractors and building inspectors.

We also distribute a variety of small or custom built enclosures designed to make it easier for low-voltage contractors to equipment, components or irrigation valves in fire-rated spaces. EZ Barrier is registered by the Department of Administration of MN and we are a member of the Association of Women Contractors.

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